02 April 2018


Slangkop lighthouse is open to the public (for a small fee) and just a short drive from our base at Scarborough. Wednesday 8th November 2017 saw a significant reduction in the wind speed leading to a very pleasant visit. Cyril and Russell are the keepers and Cyril was our host that day.

All the lighthouses we have visited have a backup power system, generally in the form of a generator, as shown below.

This lighthouse is in very good condition. It is the tallest lighthouse in South Africa at 36 metres. The consequence is many steps internally, in fact 146. The lantern room was accessed and it provides spectacular views. The view Northward shows Kommetjie and Hout Bay further in the background.

The lenses and globes were observed in the lantern room. There are two 500 watt metal halide globes, but one is a spare. Note the inverted background due to the convex lens.
This lighthouse is right on the coast thus explaining the significant height.
On return to Scarborough we found helicopters still dousing the flare ups with sea water. The bucket has 3000 litres capacity and when full the helicopters could be heard labouring under the load. John’s house is in the foreground. Clearly the bucket is empty in the second picture. 

Drafted 4 Jan 18.     Finalised 19 Mar 18.