04 June 2016


This LH is situated at the south western end of St Helena Bay and replaced an earlier wooden structure. It is referred to as a lead light by our mentor, Joe Viljoen, and a minor light by another source. It also does not appear amongst the 45 LH’s listed by Transnet on their site; www.transnetnationalportsauthority.net / Business units / Lighthouse Services. Nevertheless it is a magnificent structure.

After the Cape Columbine morning visit on 10 May we drove to Stompneusbaai. En route we could see the fog moving in and some urgency developed. It was necessary to elicit directions from a helpful local fellow. One has to enter the Shelley Point Estate to access this LH. However, the beach front houses obstruct one’s view so that the LH is difficult to locate. Walkthroughs to the beach between houses enabled us to eventually locate the target. From house number 75 on 17th Street one can walk about 400m along the beach to the lighthouse.

 For safety, valuables were not left in the vehicle. One does not often see a computer bag on the beach.
 John was tempted to enter.
We understand that this property was originally owned by Transnet and when the developer of Shelley Point Estate purchased the land, a condition was that a LH be built at the developer’s cost. This came to pass and today the LH is maintained (and presumably owned) by Transnet.
Drafted: 26 May 2016.